WAPDA Power Wing is responsible for operation and maintenance of the Hydel Power Stations under generation license granted by NEPRA in the name of General Manager (Hydel) Operation after-de-bundling of WAPDA into various companies. The electricity produced from these power stations is delivered to NTDCL Grid System and invoices are raised to CPPAG according to the Tariff approved by NEPRA. Rehabilitation/ refurbishment of old Hydel Power Stations is also planned and implemented to enhance the reliability and life of power plants. WAPDA is also responsible for monitoring the designs and erection/commissioning of future hydroelectric power stations and other electrical & mechanical equipment. Power Wing also provides technical and management trainings to its employees for capacity building which is also extended to employees of ex-WAPDA entities (NTDCL/DISCOs/GENCOs), AJK Hydro Board, Gilgit Baltistan and Power Stations in private sector. A separate establishment in the Power Wing ensures purchase & disposal of unserviceable or surplus materials/items in all WAPDA formations. All the financial matters of Power Wing are managed by General Manager (Finance) Power under the control of Member Power. Presently, the total installed capacity of 21 No. WAPDA Hydel Power Stations is 8420 MW which is about 23% of the total system capacity of 36,166 MW from all sources. The Net Electrical Output is about 32,000 GWh per annum.

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